Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Smarter than a 5th Grader

Is my dog smarter than a 5th grader? It depends how you measure smart. He (Dixon - my dog) couldn't give the capital of Panama - well, I don't think he could ... I haven't asked him. However, he does know not to cross the road in front of cars. A 5th grader on the other hand ... isn't that how you are meant to cross the road? In front of cars, when their light is green and I have a 'don't walk' sign? It isn't restricted to 5th graders either ... all US children do it, right up to their 30s or 40s.

The big question is ... why does Dixon know not to cross in front of cars? The answer is that we have taught him never ever ever to walk on the road unless we are there and we give him the go ahead. I am constantly waving cars through that want to stop and let me and my dog cross illegally just so that he doesn't think that he can walk in front of cars. On the rare occasions that he does get away from us, he knows not to cross roads. It has saved his life at least once.

Kids on the other hand are actively taught by the system that crossing roads and ignoring fast moving 2 tons lumps of metal is just the way it is. The school bus stops, kids get off and run across the road - the cars will stop. Kids want to cross against the lights - no problem, the cars stop and let them. Kids want to cross in the middle of blocks. Adults that don't know any better stop and wave them over. Thus, the kids learn that crossing roads is painless, easy and carefree. All you have to do is start walking and everyone else just gets out of the way.

Yes - my dog is smarter than a 5th grader ... mainly because I have taught him not to walk or play on roads, while 5th graders are taught to ignore common sense. And we wonder why people get killed on the roads. Don't get me started on parents that put out signs 'Careful, children playing in street'.

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